The Spedale della Provvidenza di San Giacomo e San Benedetto Labre welcomes pilgrims , who are staying in Rome during an authentic pilgrimage “devotionis causa” on the Via Francigena or other pilgrimage ways, done either walking or on a bike. It’s located in the very heart of Trastevere (city centre), 30 minutes far from St. Peter’s Basilica. Our accommodation is offered by pilgrims and volunteers with a true pilgrimage spirit.
Notice: we only receive pilgrims with valid credential reaching Rome after walking (or riding a bike) at least 100km (200 km if biking)! Eligibility criteria:
- Respecting the spirit of pilgrimage, we do not accept reservations, but please always call one or two days in advance to help us welcoming you;
- Valid pilgrim’s credential (normally released by a religious organization);
- We don’t receive organized groups.
- Up to two nights in a row whether by foot, one only by bike
General Information
- Beds: 24
- Reception time: from 3pm; during the summer from 5.30 pm for pilgrims arriving by bike
- Services: toilets, showers, dining / relax room, lavatory, dinner and breakfast
- Price: offering
- Maximum stay: 2 nights (1 night if by bike)*
- Pets: not allowed
About us
We are pilgrims of the Confraternita di San Jacopo di Compostella . In years, we combined faith, study and historical research on pilgrimage, reconstructing the authentic itineraries of the ancient pilgrimages that did build Europe and Christianity. We have learned the christian fraternity from the hospitality we received ourselves: that’s why we want to offer it to pilgrims who are walking in Italy on the via Francigena and in Spain on the Cammino di Santiago.